BLCC Members has a miserable day on a very wet Mt. Panorama. Matthew Windsor finished 16th in his Lotus Cortina and was probably the best performed club member. Bob Munday's Mustang seemed to struggle in the wet conditions finishing 32nd, one lap down on the leaders. IMGP0709.JPG Blower IMGP0715.JPG Blower Steven Shiels had an even worse day in the big Camaro Sports Sedan, unable to see at all out of the windscreen, he was very happy to see the Pace Car come out. Steven finished in 8th position and he was very happy with this result under the circumstances. IMGP0751.JPG Blower Dave Pennells in his Porsche 996GT3 nominated a time of 2.40 but was well under this time clocking a fastest time of 3.21. David finished in approximately the same position he started. IMGP0766.JPG Blower The hard luck story of the day goes to Brad Shiels who never managed to record a lap due to team owner Andrew Macpherson aquaplaning in the Cutting, on the first lap while leading comfortably, damaging the car in the process. The car is being worked on tonight and is expected to start in Sunday's race. IMGP0773.JPG Blower