Sunday 17 January saw the first event at the Quarry for 2016 in the form of a Khanacross, which was very well supported with 31 entries. The day was a great success and the general vibe around the grounds was that everyone enjoyed the competition as well as the relaxed and social day. A notable change for 2016 Khanacross events is the introduction of two classes for 4WD category – these being 4WD non-turbo and 4WD turbo. A big thanks to the Plenderleith crew who manned the bbq and drink stand, which was a sell-out. Also thanks to Michelle O’Toole and Jo Moore who were on hand early to assist me with the admin, and Deanne Hudson who most ably helped out Robbo with timing. Also a big thanks to Rod Simonsen who was charging around on the ride-on mower early to make the spectator area a bit more pleasant for users. Racing was hotly contested, with Toby Ivanovic (1st outright and 1st in class), Ian Plenderleith (2nd outright and 2nd in class) and David Catt (3rd outright and 1st in class) slogging it out for the top honours. Other notables were Michael Moore who was 1st in juniors, with Harrison Hudson coming in a very close 2nd. Gus O’Leary was another junior who had a successful day. Long-time regulars of note were Alan Paul 1st in class and 6th outright, Scott Sims 1st in class and 10th outright. Stephen Hill 1st in class, and despite suffering some painful shoulder issues, he had a smile on his face the entire day. Club members Karen Wilson and Theo Poteris travelled from Newcastle to compete, and even though they had to head for home before the event finished they reportedly had a good day. Gwyn Mulholland raced his recently acquired Subaru (fondly referred to by Helen as Choco due its Cadbury purple livery). Warwick Agustin had the mighty mini out for a run and it was a sight to behold burning up the track, as per usual. WIN television conducted an interview at the Quarry, which focused heavily on our juniors and the driving skills and car control they have acquired from competing in both Khanacross' and Motorkhana's. Hopefully we will get some new blood turning up after watching the story on WIN news. The next event set down for the Quarry is a Motorkhana on Sunday 7 February. Donna Sims - BLCC SecretaryResults can be found Here