At the February General Meeting of Bathurst Light Car Club the members voted to conduct future BLCC Khanacross events for 2017 using the existing competition guidelines for vehicle specifications. In accordance with that resolution all future Khanacross events for 2017 will be conducted using Schedule A of the current CAMS manual and Group 4H of the Auto Test section of the current CAMS manual as the guidelines/requirements for vehicles to compete at these events. The last Khanacross was conducted under these guidelines and as a compromise competitors were allowed to compete with ineligible vehicles. Any non-conformities were listed in the vehicle logbook and are to be rectified prior to the vehicle being allowed to compete in future Club events. This particular khanacross was conducted as a non-championship point scoring round. Although unfortunate, this was deemed appropriate under the circumstances due to the potential actions of one competitor who did not agree with the Club’s decision. Despite the best intentions of the officials and committee a small minority of competitors repeatedly queried these specifications. In an endeavour to ensure the clubs decision is upheld, the committee unanimously decided to clarify the class regulations through the issue of refined Supplementary Regulations for our future Khancross events to assist with interpretation of requirements. Relative vehicle specifications/requirements are detailed hereunder: SCRUTINY - SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS: Competitors must be a financial member of a CAMS Car Club and produce a current, valid Membership Card and current, valid CAMS Competition Licence at document check. Bathurst Light Car Club has elected to run their khanacross events as per Group 4h Motorkhana code and schedule A of the current CAMS Manual. Unless specified in these regulations ALL VEHICLES must comply with Schedule A and Group 4H Motorkhana code of the current CAMS Manual. A fire extinguisher of at least 900g capacity, complying with Schedule H of the current CAMS Manual (refer “General Requirements for Cars and Drivers”) must be fitted. Fuel must be in accordance with Schedule G of the current CAMS Manual. All vehicles, other than “Purpose Built Specials” as defined by Group 4H, must have front and rear bumper bars fitted as per the manufacturer 2wd Standard will be defined as a vehicle presented as manufactured with no modifications. 2wd Modified will be vehicles that comply with “Production Cars” under the Group 4 H regulations in the Auto Test section of the current CAMS manual. 2wd Specials will include “Purpose Built Specials” and “Production Based Specials” as defined under group 4 H regulations in the Auto Test section of the current CAMS Manual 4wd vehicles must comply with “Production Cars” as specified in Group 4 H Auto Test section of the current CAMS Manual. Vehicles competing in the 2wd Standard and the 4wd classes are not permitted to use rally tyres or tyres marked “not for highway use”, for “competition use only” or any other tyre specified under clause 2.8 of group 4H. Log Books as issued by CAMS or BLCC must be presented at scrutineering for each event. Club members can, if not already a holder of, obtain a club log book from the event secretary. All competitors’ vehicles are expected to comply with the new regulations at the next event or be deemed ineligible to compete. Competitors are reminded of NCR 177-this rule states the chief scrutineer is the adjudicator when it comes to the compliance or eligibility of a vehicle to compete. The approved details will be contained in relevant Supplementary Regulations shortly when posted. Your understanding of requirements and compliance is most appreciated -thank you. Mick TuckeyPresident BLCC A printed copy of this article can be obtained Here