The five club members contesting the Easter Motor Festival meeting all came away with a big smile. Tony King (Mazda MX5) managed to out score Martin McLoughlin (Torana) in the NSW Road Racing Club Regularity events. Tony’s best was a 4th while Martin’s highest was 7th. Tony finished the weekend 7th outright, Martin left a conrod on Conrod Straight. In the Porsche Club NSW Regularity event David Pennells (Porsche 944 Turbo), having his first drive at Mt Panorama, scored a 14th. Pretty good on his first outing running just under his nominated time. Without a doubt the feature for club members was the clash between Bob Munday (Mustang) and Greg Schwenke (Mazda RX 2), Greg coming out on top three races to one. Both drivers swapped places many times during the four races. Bob’s best result was a 6th while Greg managed a 5th.