2012 Award Recipients

After a successful year for the club congratulations must go to all our 2012 Award Recipients.MOTORKHANA SERIES 1st Junior - Geoffrey Sims3rd Outright - Geoffrey Sims2nd Outright - Scott Sims1st Outright - Alan Paul. KHANACROSS SERIES 1st Junior- Geoffrey Sims3rd Outright – Alan Paul2nd Outright –Matthew Paul1st Outright – Robert Dean ROOKIE of THE YEAR – Christopher Baker SPROCKET AWARD - Toby Speers JOHN WINDSOR AWARD - Mark Groves JUNIOR CHAMPION’S SHIELD – 3rd Outright –Nicholas Reeks2nd Outright- Christopher Baker1st – Geoffrey Sims PETER JANSON SPEED EVENT CHAMPION 2nd Outright –Ron Gallagher1st Outright – Tony King RALLY DRIVER CHAMPIONSHIP – David Hills RALLY NAVIGATOR CHAMPIONSHIP – Michael Tuckey VISUAL NAVIGATION TRIAL TONY HANRAHAN AWARD – Jeff West LADIES CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP – Jakira Speer CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP 3rd Geoffrey Sims2nd Alan Paul1st Scott Sims BLCC ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS Doug Barry 1st NSW Hillclimb Championship and runner up Australian Hillclimb Championship.Kathy Hanrahan, David Robinson, Mick Williamson, Phil Burgett for contribution to the successful running of the Australian Hillclimb Championship. KEVIN CATT OFFICIAL OF THE YEAR – Jeff West HANDS ENCOURAGEMENT SHEILD – Jack Mobbs BARRY GURDON BEST PRESENTED CAR – Barrie Coady GEORGE REED PERPETUAL TROPHY – Ces Evans CLUBMAN OF THE YEAR - Donna & Scott Sims LIFE MEMBERSHIP – Michael Williamson