September 18, 2014

Sportsclassic Rally Press Release

Sportsclassic Spring Rally With a steady flow of entries coming in we have several local crews intending to compete with some already entered. These include Nik Hough in his Commodore Ute, Ron & Jo Moore in the Evo Lancer fresh from a good result in the ARC round at Coffs Harbour, Leigh and Gerard Gotch in a pair of Subaru as well as Joe Chapman in his Subaru. There is also a possibility of a couple of others. The leading contenders in the race to win the DRS Series crown have already entered these are Brett Bower/Katie Fletcher in a 1978 Toyota Celica and Craig Kenchington/Scott Fletcher in an extremely quick 1971 Datsun 1600. A major feature of the event will be the appearance of the two Australian Plastic Profiles Mk11 RS1800 Escorts driven by John and David Hills. John is being navigated by Mick Tuckey the BLCC Competition Secretary. To see these vehicles is one thing but to hear them in the forests brings back memories of yesteryear when Escorts ruled. There are three classifications for eligibility in the DRS Series these are two wheel drive rear wheel drive, two wheel drive front wheel drive and four wheel drive non turbo. The excels running are in a class of their own but most are also registered for the front wheel drive class. The quicker All wheel drive turbo cars are entered in the Multiclub component of the Rally along with any entries not registered for the DRS series. WHILST ENTRIES CONTINUE TO COME IN WE ARE GETTING DESPERATE FOR OFFICIALS. PLEASE VOLUNTEER AS THE EVENT CANNOT RUN WITHOUT A LOT OF PEOPLE. EVEN THOUGH YOU MAY BE TIED UP WITH KIDS SPORT OR WORK YOU CAN STILL BE OF ASSISTANCE TO US AS WE REQUIRE RELIEF OFFICIALS TO TAKE OVER ROAD CLOSURES FROM PEOPLE WHO HAVE SATURDAY NIGHT COMMITMENTS. YOU WOULD BE REQUIRED TO REPORT TO THE HEADQUARTERS AT SUNNY CORNER FORESTRY CAMP BY 5.00PM. SO PLEASE CONSIDER LENDING A HELPING HAND